Martin Baca
Russell Bacon
Julie Bailey
Bill Barham
Alice Barnett
Sandra Beatty
Barbara Bell
Janis Bell Broderick
Jenny Bell Hall
Robert Benton
Wayne F Berg
Ken Berlint
Robert Beske
Cheryl Billings Cornelius
Susan Bocko
Michael Brackeen
Linda Bradshaw
Kenny Brazelton
James Britt
Robert Brooks
Cathy Brown
Connie Brown Abuchon
Deborah Brown
Sandy Browne Sessa
Jerry Bryan
Kathy Bryant Weber
Ronald Bullhorse
Harold Bush
Mary Butler
Added "In Memory" pages (one page for each letter based on
last names) Please remember our departed classmates.
Added "Missing" pages (one page for each letter based on
last names) Please look at our "missing" pages and let us
know if you can help us located any of these classmates.
Our official web site goes on line! We will keep you up to date
on class activities and planning for our reunion on these pages!
Watch this section for the latest news!