Robert P. Saint
Rosalie Saiz
Donna Sampson Higdon
Ray Sanchez
Patricia Sanchez Herman
Euttimo Sandoval
Gabriel Sandoval
Susan Savage Pullen
Paul Scalzitti
Allen Scatena
Olivia Janette Schlueter Powell
Sandy Schoonover Woodruff
Linda Schrimpl
Bruce Schwenke
Wanda Scoope Burke-Fisher
Gary Scott
Donnie Searle
Jean Seiler
Joseph (Skip) Seiling
Whitney Sell
Russell Selleck
Pricilla Serencha
Jane Sever (Blanke)Lowry
Carol Shaff Marianetti
Sharron Sharp
Nancy Shoupe Prade
Karen Shultz
Barbara Siegal
Agnes Marie Silva
Rebecca Simons Glaser
Charles Simmons
Patricia Simpson Noe
Pauline Simpson
Valerie Simpson
Frederic Slates
Gary Smith
Irene Smith
Judy Smith
Lynn Sorsby
Charles Spencer
Mike Spurgeon
Barbara Stock
Gary Stolz
Carol Ann Stout Bonser
Danny Stover
Mike Straight
Carol Street
Richard Switzer
Cathy Szymanski Smith
Added "In Memory" pages (one page for each letter based on
last names) Please remember our departed classmates.
Added "Missing" pages (one page for each letter based on
last names) Please look at our "missing" pages and let us
know if you can help us located any of these classmates.
Our official web site goes on line! We will keep you up to date
on class activities and planning for our reunion on these pages!
Watch this section for the latest news!