Michael L Gallegos
Jim Gamblin
Betty Garcia
Gene C. Garcia
Geneva Garcia
Joseph Garcia
Mable Garcia Williamson
Margaret Rose Garcia
Patricia Maria Garcia
Michael Gary
Bill George
Robert Goff
Susan Goff
Betty Graham Garcia
Charles Grandstaff
Shirley Grayson
Robert Gresson
Barbara Gurule
James (Dan) Guthrie
Ernestine Gutierrez
Jesus Gutierrez
Maclovia Gutierrez
Rosa Gutierrez
Virgil Gutierrez
Added "In Memory" pages (one page for each letter based on
last names) Please remember our departed classmates.
Added "Missing" pages (one page for each letter based on
last names) Please look at our "missing" pages and let us
know if you can help us located any of these classmates.
Our official web site goes on line! We will keep you up to date
on class activities and planning for our reunion on these pages!
Watch this section for the latest news!